作者:劉孝忠 (2008-11-29)
整合Images Scientific Instruments 所生產之語音辨識模組 SR-07及語音介面模組SR-03,藉由通豪音響實業有限公司所生產無線麥克風 FE-995 遠端語音控制自走車
圖1 硬體架構圖
一、語音辨識模組 SR-07
l HM2007 single chip voice recognition CMOS
l Speaker dependent
l External RAM support
l Maximum 40 word support(09.6sec) or 20 word(1.92 sec)
l Microphone support
l Response time less than 300ms
l User programmable
l Multi-lingual
l Non-volatile memory backup
圖2語音辨識模組 SR-07
A、打開電源開關,此時 Display board 出現〝00〞字樣,而且紅色LED亮起
B、在 Keypad 上按『01』,此時 Display board 出現〝01〞字樣,而且紅色LED熄滅
C、接著按Keypad 上之 『TRN』鍵,紅色LED亮起
The chip provides the following error codes:
55 = word too
66 = word too short
77 = word no match
在 Keypad 上按『99』,再按『CLR』鍵,此時 Display board 出現〝19〞字樣代表記憶體語音內容完全被清除
二、語音介面模組 SR-03
SRI-03 incorporates 10 logic high(5v)outputs corresponding to the first ten recognized words by the SR-07 speech recognition circuit,There is 1/4 second delay from word recognition to output activation
圖3語音介面模組 SR-03
1、Option Mode
Options are read on power up,changing the option setting with the power on will not change the mode
Make sure the ground terminal form SRI-03 is connected to the ground of the circuit you are connecting,兩個 Gnd 都要接
A、Standard mode
Only one output may be activated at a time
Turn on any outputèsay the word that corresponds to the output you want to high
Turn off all outputèsay the 『stop or control』trained as word number 11 or above
Turn one output off and another output onèsimply say the trained word for the output you wish to activate
B、Momentray mode
Similar to the standard mode,with the exception that the output remains high only momentarily either 1/10 second or 1/4 second
C、Latch mode
The standard and momentary modes can only activate on outout at a time,using the latch mode any output may remain high while other outputs are being activated or deactivated
三、無線麥克風 FE-995
電壓:1.5V DC
尺寸:180MM*30MM (長*寬)(麥克風主機)
圖4無線麥克風 FE-995